Liane Ströbel


As 2023 is coming to an end, here is a short review of my year:

4 books:

  1. Crosslinguistic Facets of the Subjunctive
  2. Contextual and Crosslinguistic Facets of Emotion Concepts
  3. International Discourses of Authoritarian Populism: Varieties and Approaches
  4.  Le pouvoir du bleu/ Die starke Farbe Blau

9 articles & book chapters in 5 languages:

  1. Et si le bleu n’existait pas?
  2. Matteo Salvini – A Political Chameleon and a Populist par excellence?
  3. Framing effects in the media coverage of the migrant crisis in the French press (2015 vs. 2018)
  4. Auf der Suche nach kollektiver Identität – Der Begriff „Nation“ im Spannungsfeld europäischer Renaissance und einzelstaatlicher Exitbestrebungen
  5. The interplay of perceptual and conceptual parameters in the case of „surprise“
  6. Las bases conceptuales del subjuntivo – Entre la implicación, la falta de control semántico y contextual y la conexión ilógica
  7. Sur les traces de la base conceptuelle du subjonctif à l’aide des exemples du livre « Le jardin des mots » de Jacqueline de Romilly
  8. Tre parole sul congiuntivo
  9. To stay, remain or leave: how verbal concepts as response options in political referendums such as the Brexit polls might bias voting outcomes 

More Info: here

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