Im Rahmen des DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich 991: „Die Struktur von Repräsentationen in Sprache, Kognition und Wissenschaft“ findet am 22.01.2015, von 12:30-14:00 Uhr, in Raum 23.21/HS 3H der HHU, Chair: Liane Ströbel, der Vortrag von Antonio Barcelona Sánchez (Córdoba) statt.
Characterizing metonymy: Descriptive fields in a metonymy database
In the talk the speaker will carefully describe the entry model for the metonymy database that he has been building for several years with his research group, and will illustrate the description with parts of some of the entries collected so far (most of them with English examples). The applications of the database will also be discussed. At the same time, the description of the various fields will give the speaker an opportunity to discuss some of the properties of metonymy and the many aspects of language and cognition that recent research (including the speaker’s) has shown or claimed metonymy to be involved in, including grammar, lexicon, and discourse-pragmatic inferencing.