Arthur Schopenhauer once said: “Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.”
We all know how vital it is for a language to „change“ and to be able to adapt to changes, but how do we actually refer to and express the fact that something is changing?
The linguistic session „Zustandsveränderung/Change of state“ at the XXXIII. Deutscher Romanistentag (22.-25.09.2013, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg) is tackling the challenge of analyzing how different change of state scenarios are encoded linguistically. For information concerning the session „Zustandsveränderung“ please visit the following link: SESSION „Change of State“
A preliminary program is available here: PROGRAM
Invited speakers (with links to their homepages): Geraldine Legendre (Baltimore), Patrick Caudal (Paris) and John Beavers (Austin)
Laia Arnaus Gil (Wuppertal), Valeriano Bellosta von Colbe (Bielefeld), Sarah Dessì Schmid (Stuttgart), Sascha Diwersy (Köln), Jacques François (Caen), Steffen Heidinger (Graz), Rolf Kailuweit (Freiburg), Felicia Lembeck (Berlin), Jaume Mateu (Barcelona), Eva Staudinger (Freiburg), Achim Stein (Stuttgart) und Liane Ströbel (Düsseldorf)
An overview about the talks (non formated version) is already available here: ABSTRACTS
For detailed information about the Romanistentag in Würzburg, please visit the official website:
Vielen Dank für eine tolle Sektion!
Die Sektionsleiter Rolf Kailuweit (Freiburg) & Liane Stroebel (Düsseldorf)